Simplify Healthy

A place to build your foundation and fix the cracks in your health


You are here improve your health

The mission is to feel better, be healthier, live longer, and totally thrive.  This doesn't always come easy and we are all unique.  Sometimes the basic foundation is missing or cracked.  We may have questions about our health conditions that are unanswered in traditional medical settings. This can be especially true when trying to improve your lifestyle to lose weight, reverse conditions, and stop poor health cycles.   Understanding what healthy habits really are encompass essential building blocks to reach your health goals.  Here you can learn the foundation, the strategies, the "why" and the "how" to feeling better, getting healthy, and lose weight once and for all. 



Learn the foundations

A comprehensive look at the essential pillars of our health.  We don't know, what we don't know.  Learn the basics and beyond.

Find support and heal

Empower yourself with the knowledge and steps needed to improve your health to alleviate symptoms, improve conditions, and finally feel like you again

Loosing weight and staying there

Whether you find yourself going up and down that same 10-20lb or your frustrated trying to get our of a life long obesity battle.  There's a lot to unpack here.  The good news is long term weight management is possible! 

Coming soon

Weight loss Companion 1

A self guided comprehensive course for weight loss created by a board certified Nurse Practitioner, specializing in obesity and weight management. 

This is for the person ready to take back the power, lose weight, build muscle and do it without starvation, temporary or fad diets, new trends, or gimmicks.    

This is an ESSENTIAL course for anyone on "Ozempic" or any GLP1 drug who is not in a formal comprehensive program to reduce health risks and limit weight gain should you need to or have to stop the medication.   


Coming soon

Weight loss companion 2

An all in one course which has the complete weight loss companion 1 course materials with additional support including: 

  • Direct access to the NP for 3 months with scheduled consults
  • Grocery shopping guidance
  • Exercise and strength training
  • Eating right for your conditions (examples include: diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility, thyroid disorders, chronic pain)

Connect with me

Health consults

1-1 connecting to dive deeper into your health/conditions.  Suitable for anyone looking for go beyond the basics, or for those with a new or chronic diagnosis who want to understand it better.  This is not a medical evaluation or direct treatment.  Rather its the conversations we all want to have in the office with our providers. The deep dive into our whole person to understand ALL things we can do to alleviate symptoms or even reverse our disease(s). 

Schedule a consultation

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